マテリアル インテグレーション 2011年4・5月号

マテリアル インテグレーション 2011年4・5月号

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月刊 マテリアル インテグレーション > 2011
特集 地域と世界に貢献する東北大学多元物質科学研究所(4,5月合併号)

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 所長 河村 純一


東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 垣花 眞人


東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 生命機能分子合成化学研究分野 永次 史

A number of genetic disorders have been identified as the major cause of diseases, such as cancer. Our research activities have focused on the creation of functional molecules to exhibit specific recognition and reaction to the DNA and RNA.Synthetic oligonucleotides (ONs) are valuable tools that interfere with gene expression. Reactive ONs containing cross-linking agents are expected to induce efficient inhibition because they bind covalently to target genes. We have focused on the development of the efficient cross-linking reactions with high base selectivity. I would like to describe recently developed novel cross-linking reactions by our group.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 生命機能制御物質化学研究分野 和田 健彦

A chemical synthesis and modification of DNA/RNA is the fundamental technology that has led the molecular biology revolution. Hence, a chemistry of DNA and RNA not only in vitro but also in vivo expects to open new generational stage of bioorganic chemistry and molecular biology. Thus, focusing our research interest mostly on the recognition and complexation behavior control of biopolymers, such as DNA/RNA, proteins by external factors, toward the active control of cellular functions. Another topics are reaction control based on molecular recognition phenomena in both ground and electronically excited states; we are pursuing mechanistic and synthetic studies on symmetric photochemistry with supramolecular biopolymers as chiral reaction fields.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 生命機能制御物質化学研究分野 金原 数

We have been involved in development of synthetic molecules that are able to mimic or control the functions of biological molecules such as molecular machines. We also have interests in integrating the functions of synthetic molecules and biomacromolecules through their chemical modifications, allowing us to design unique stimuli-responsive nanobio materials. Our research activities also include spin chemistry of photofunctional materials.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所   生体高分子化学研究分野 清水 透

Our laboratory is studying structure‐function relationships of heme‐sensor enzymes /proteins and heme-based gas-sensor enzymes. They include a heme-regulated kinase (HRI) associated with translational inhibition, heme‐regulated transcriptional factors (NPAS2, Per1, Per2) associated with circadian rhythms, heme‐regulated diguanylate cyclase (YddV), heme-regulated phosphodiesterase (Ec DOS). Molecular mechanism of NO synthase, which synthesizes NO from L-arginine and molecular oxygen on the heme iron with the aid of electrons from the reductase domain, is also studied. We attempt to apply redesigned heme
enzyme/protein with novel functions to biomaterial, biomedical and bioremedial fields.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 タンパク機能解析研究分野 齋藤 正男

Metalloproteins play diverse and critical roles in various aspects of biology, such as transportation of small molecules, electron transfer, redox reactions and molecular sensing. The major thrust of our research activity is directed toward developing a rigorous and quantitative understanding of the correlation between molecular structure and biochemical function of metalloproteins, namely heme proteins, by utilizing the power of advanced biochemical and biophysical methods including x-ray crystallography, kinetic analysis, mass spectrometry, protein engineering and varieties of spectroscopic techniques. Our current research is also intended to explore novel specific modulators and biological functions of physiologically important enzymes.

Single molecule observation and measurement of the bio-molecules, and development of the new generation system based on the optical microscope.
東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 複雑系プロセス設計研究分野 石島 秋彦

We would like to develop the new generation nano-measurement system that has high time and space resolution compared to the present one. The target is to clarify the mechanism of the energy transformation of bio-molecule using this new system.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 有機・生命科学研究部門 生命分子ダイナミクス研究分野 高橋 聡

Proteins are natural heteropolymers that perform various functions upon the folding to the specific native conformation. To understand the shape and functions of proteins, it is important to reveal the folding and functional dynamics of proteins. We developed the time resolved spectroscopic techniques and single molecule fluorescence detection to investigate the dynamic properties of proteins. We proposed the "collapse and search" mechanism of protein folding based on the cumulative knowledge obtained in this laboratory.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 高純度材料研究分野 一色 実

The purity is one of the important factors of the materials for preparing well controlled materials and devises, because the existence of trace impurities leads to a significant and sometimes critical influence on the material properties and devise performance. In this article, we describe our research works concerning the construction of the purification process, purification methods, and experimental results of lanthanum purification, single crystal growth of high purity ZnO and low temperature oxidation of high purity metal single crystals.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 金属機機能設計研究分野 葵 安邦

The research interests of our group can be divided into two mutually related parts; one is quasicrystal (Qc) and the other alloy catalysts. Discovering new Qcs is based on a criterion of valency concentration. Designing alloy catalysts is in terms of physical metallurgy through controlling valence electron structure or microstructure. Growing single-grained Qc, Qc-reinforced Mg alloys, theoretical approaches on Qc structures are also in progress.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所  無機材料研究部門 環境無機材料化学研究分野 佐藤 次雄

Solvothermal reactions are designated as the reactions which use high temperatures and/or high pressure solvents. It is possible to control the acid-base reaction rate, morphology and agglomeration of the products, i.e., well dispersed nanoparticles with high crystallinity can be obtained by solvothermal reactions. Therefore, solvothermal reactions are expected to be used to generate environmentally friendly functional ceramic materials. Actually, various functional ceramics, such as tetragonal zirconia, with excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties, visible light responsive photocatalyst for environmental clean-up, high performance UV-shielding materials, etc. have been fabricated by solvothermal reactions. Unique plate-like ceria microparticles and the new Sn(Ⅱ) titanate based compound, which are impossible to be formed via a normal solid state reaction have also been formed.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 機能材料微細制御研究分野 鈴木 茂

This article describes characteristic features of fine particles precipitated in liquid. FeCo fine particles were synthesized in a polyol method. The X-ray diffraction method with anomalous dispersion was outlined and it was used for characterizing the order-disorder transformation in the FeCo fine particles. The results showed that fine particles of as-synthesized FeCo particles have a disordered structure at room temperature, and they were transformed to the ordered state by annealing. The magnetic properties of the FeCo alloy fine particles were changed by annealing conditions. The characteristic features of magnetite (Fe3O4) precipitated in water were also shown.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 無機材料創製プロセス研究分野 垣花 眞人

The main objective of our research is to acquire profound understanding of "synthesis-structure-properties" relationship for modern inorganic materials and to apply this knowledge for development of new materials with improved performance. Two important classes of modern materials such as nano-photoceramics and functional metal complexes are in the focus of our activities. The special attention is paid to design of photocatalysts with visible light response and phosphors for white LED within oxide, oxynitride, sulfide and oxysulfide systems. The utilization of "green" solution processing towards these nano-photoceramic materials is the paradigm of our group.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 強相関固体物性研究分野 有馬 孝尚

We are investigating novel electronic properties in magnetic transition-metal oxide compounds, especially in multiferroics. Here we present the representative accomplishments of our group; the control of electric polarization direction by a magnetic field, control of magnetization direction by an electric field, and directional dichroism of light.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 無機材料研究部門 ナノスケール磁気デバイス分野 北上 修

For future advance in magnetic and spinelectronic devices, it is essential to understand the magnetic behavior and spin dynamics of a single nanomagnet. However, no effective method has been available for detection of such extremely small magnetic moment. To overcome this difficulty, we have newly developed a highly sensitive magnetic detection technique utilizing the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). This technique enables us to systematically clarify the magnetic behaviors of
various materials in the nanoscale regime. In this article, we introduce our research topics including peculiar phase transformation of some magnets, static and dynamic magnetic behaviors of single nanomagnets of L10 FePt and Co/Pt multilayers, and newly proposed magnetic media and technology for ultrahigh density recording.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 プロセスシステム工学研究部門 基盤素材プロセッシング研究分野 北村 信也

The production process of base metals, such as steelmaking process, has an extremely important role in supporting the development of an eco-friendly human society and it becomes to an age of technical innovation toward an eco-friendly society. For the research and development of this field, we have to consider the following points on four different scales: 1) Giga scale: Consider the global impact of the extraction process of base metals from the earth's resources.2) Mega scale: Enhance the performance and efficiency of reactors to establish eco-friendly production processes.3) Micro scale: Identify the physical and chemical factors that control the reaction rate and material characteristics.4) Nano scale: Control the mass transfer rate of molecules among different phases to increase the reaction rate or produce ultrafine structures.At Kitamura laboratory, the following researches based on the above four points are being carried out in the field of steelmaking, which is a core process used to produce high-quality steel.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 プロセスシステム工学研究部門 環境無機材料化学研究分野 齋藤 文良

Mechanochemical phenomena are generally induced during ball milling for producing fine powders. Not only size reduction and shape change of the particles but also disorder and/or transformation of the crystal of solid materials are often observed during ball grinding. The latter is called mechanochemical phenomena, and disordered solid materials have a high potential to react with gas, liquid and other solid materials. These phenomena could synthesize functional powder materials, decompose ground materials at low temperature and generate useful gases from the milled sample in subsequent heating operation. The research in this group is categorized into four subjects: The first is the development of new mechanical refining processes and recycling of valuable materials from wastes, the second is synthesis of functional powder materials with an aid of mechanochemical effects and reactions, the third is production of hydrogen from biomass and plastic wastes, and the fourth is development of DEM (Discrete Element Method) simulation method for the prediction of grinding and mechanochemical reaction and their optimizations in milling/mechanochemical operations.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 プロセスシステム工学研究部門 高機能ナノ材料創成研究分野 田中 俊一郎

Department of 'Nanostructure/Nanointerface Design and Control (Tanaka Laboratory)' is aiming to create and evolve various hyper-functionalized and advanced nanostructures which would be key-materials for nano-devices in the next generation. For these purposes, we are designing and controlling using "physically and chemically activated reaction field" such as novel active energy beam and/or chemical reaction field, and are utilizing them to develop novel nanostructure, nanohybrids, low-dimensional nanomaterials, nanocomposites and hetero-interfaces based on the bottom-up design. Further we are designing superior functions of these advanced materials based on the structure control. Processing-structures-functions relations are also extensively investigated by utilizing various materials/devices analysis technologies. In this article, our recent research achievement on the creation and characteristics of low-dimensional nanostructures such as oxide nano-protrusions and nanotubes.

東北大学多元物資科学研究所 阿尻 雅文

This review summarizes various advantages of supercritical processes for the synthesis of innovative materials and the biomass conversion. The merits of supercritical water, that is, higher miscibility with organic solvents and gases, controllable oxidizing and reducing atmosphere, environmentally benign property and faster mass transport and reaction, allow the synthesis of various innovative nanomaterials and the conversion of biomass at an industrial scale. By using supercritical water, we have successfully synthesized various metal oxide nanoparticles and organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials. We have also succeeded in the conversion of lignin, cellulose, and bitumen into useful compounds in supercritical water.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所   プロセスシステム工学研究部門 光物質科学研究分野 佐藤 俊一

We summarized the history, personal record and academic activities of our group, Laser Applied Material Science Laboratory, Division of Process and System Engineering, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University for the 10th anniversary of our Institute. The background and academic importance of our research projects are briefly described from the viewpoint of laser and its related technologies, which was celebrated the 50th anniversary last year. We
are intentionally and intensively trying to make the best use of the excellent properties of lasers for the advancement of material science. The state-of-the-art laser technologies are our useful and essential tools. At present, we are working on the highly intense laser field regarded as a novel processing field with high grade non-equilibrium and non-linearity, and the photonics of vector beams, which is expected to fully utilize the vectorial nature of electro-magnetic waves.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 プロセスシステム工学研究部門 ハイブリッドナノ粒子研究分野 村松 淳司

Monodispersed particles are defined as the particle system of excellent uniformity in size, shape, structure, and composition. Because of this extraordinary homogeneity, they have originally high function. Among them, metal oxide nanoparticles have been utilized in many fields in engineering so that they are well friendly to us in our life. Figure 1 exemplifies monodispersed Na0.5K0.5NbO3 fine particles with well-controlled nanostructure for lead-free piezoelectric device.
Needless to say, they have highly functional characteristics. This paper will be focused on the preparation of metal oxide nanoparticles with excellent monodispersity in material properties. In addition, we will show Anatase-type uniform TiO2 nanoparticles with different shape and size for photocatalysts, as well as indium tin oxide (ITO) nanoparticles precisely controlled for transparent conductive oxide film in electrical materials.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 プロセスシステム工学研究部門 エネルギーシステム研究分野 佐藤 修彰

Nuclear energy is one of the most important energy resource of our modern society, therefore, it is strongly demanded to make nuclear fuel cycle more reliable and sustainable for longer future. To respond this demand, our group develops novel and unique reprocessing processes of the spent nuclear fuel based on the selective sulfurization of fission products. The sulfide process has advantages of less radioactive waste volume and lower risk of the nuclear proliferation comparing with the
conventional wet reprocessing processes like PUREX. Besides, the basic solution chemistry of actinides elements is studied to perform more reliable safety assessment of radioactive waste ground disposal.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 電子分子動力学研究分野 上田 潔

We have been studying electron and molecular dynamics, developing new measurement techniques, using novel light sources like short pulse optical lasers, synchrotron radiation, and EUV and X-ray free electron lasers. We aim to take molecular movies and to catch the motion of electron wave packet, to understand and control ultrafast reactions in atoms, molecules, and clusters.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 量子電子科学研究分野 髙橋 正彦

Quantum Electron Science touches on the most basic aspects of the physical and chemical world. It also makes extensive contributions to societal needs and serves as the underpinning for a number of other areas of science. The Takahashi Masahiko Laboratory aims at developing new frontiers of Quantum Electron Science based on (e,2e) electron momentum spectroscopy or Compton scattering, as well as bringing up students and young researchers who will shape the future of various fields in science and technology.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 構造材料物性研究分野 野田 幸男

Crystal structure plays a crucial important role for physical properties in material. In our group, advanced instruments and methodology were developed for long time to see very tiny change of crystal and magnetic structure. X-ray and neutron equipments of our group as well as recent scientific results will be presented in this article.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 分光化学研究分野 山内 清語

Correlations between structural & dynamic properties and functions of composite molecules including excited states of metal complexes and biological systems have been studied by means of various advanced EPR and Raman spectroscopy. The techniques such as pulsed high field and highly time-resolved EPR, high MW power pulsed EPR, two-dimensional EPR, and high field EPR having a Fabry-Perot-type resonator are developed in our laboratory. Our target molecular systems involve Pt and Rh metal complexes, Photosystem I and Ⅱ, a troponin protein, and blue light receptor proteins.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 ナノ界面化学研究分野 栗原 和枝

Surface forces measurement is a powerful tool for molecular level of characterization of solid-liquid interfaces and complex systems, which are important for various functionalized interfaces including biointerfaces. In this manuscript, we report the novel developments of surface forces measurements: (1) the resonance shear measurement (RSM), which is a sensitive method for evaluating properies of confined liquid for nano-rheology and tribology; (2) twin-path surface forces apparatus (SFA), which enabled us to study wide variety of samples such as merals and ceramics. We also review some of our recent researches on (1) molecular macrocluster formation, (2) polyelectrolyte brushes, (3) protein-protein interactions, (4) structuring of confined ionic liquids, (5) meahnism of highly viscosity of CaCO3 dispersion, and (6) adhesion between polymers and metals.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 計測研究部門 表面物理プロセス研究分野 高桑 雄二

In the research section of surface physics and processing (Takakuwa laboratory), we aim to develop various surface analysis methods with electron and photon probes, for example, real-time photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation and rare gas resonance lines for monitoring in situ surface chemical compositions and bonding states under a reactive gas atmosphere, and correlated thermal diffuse scattering for determining unambiguously surface structures. Based on the observed chemical and solid phase reaction kinetics at surfaces and interfaces, we have synthesized functional materials such as diamond and multilayer graphene, and developed surface nanoprocesses, for example, a photoemission-assisted plasma-enhanced process for modifying substrate surfaces.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 寄附研究部門 窒化物結晶寄附研究分野 石黒 徹

High quality GaN bulk crystals were grown by the ammonothermal method for the substrate in nitride electronics and optoelectronics. The in-autoclave, gas-phase acidic mineralizer synthesis method is proposed for high-purity GaN growth by the ammonothermal method. As a result of oxygen reduction by two orders of magnitude, the lattice parameter of ammonothermal GaN layer got close to the intrinsic value. Growth speed increased to over 150μm. This is same order as artificial quartz growth by the hydrothermal method which is performed for mass-production.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 サステナブル理工学研究センター エネルギーデバイス化学研究分野 本間 格

The increasing effort has been devoted to develop an advanced secondary battery to realize more efficient as well as low/zero emission vehicles such as electric/hybrid cars. This paper reports our recent investigations for applying nanomaterials to design high power/high density lithium ion secondary batteries. The solution processing has been successfully employed to synthesize nano-sized electrodes such as LiCoO2 and LiMn2O4 and the superior power/energy density were achieved due to the nano-size effects of the electrochemical properties. The 9nm sized LiCoO2 electrodes can be charged/discharged under 100C rate by their short diffusion length of the Li+, however, the 43nm sized LiMn2O4 show two electron capacity up to 250mAh/g due to the reversible phase transformation to a tetragonal phase Li2Mn2O4.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所  サステナブル理工学研究センター 固体イオニクス・デバイス研究分野 八代 圭司

The current focus of our research is to provide advanced principles and novel experimental techniques for the development of solid state ionic devices, such as solid oxide fuel cells, water electrolyzers or chemical sensors. This paper reviews our research strategy and recent works on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). It mainly consists of four parts: materials design using nano-hetero interface for high performance cathode; development of in situ microstructure observation technique using
environmental scanning electron microscope under fuel cell operating condition; electrical conductivity modification by applying mechanical stress; in situ testing method by acoustic emission to evaluate how/when the device was damaged.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 サステナブル理工学研究センター 固体イオン物理研究分野 河村 純一

The Solid State Ion Physics Research Group founded in by Professor Junichi Kawamura focuses on research in the ion dynamics in solid-state materials by using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), laser spectroscopy, impedance spectroscopy, etc. We also focus on the application of solid-state ionic devices on the rechargeable lithium-ion battery and fuel cell, and development of a new measurement technology. In this text, we introduce the recent activities; (1) development of the all solid-state thin-film lithium batteries, (2) visualization of the inside of lithium ion batteries by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 サステナブル理工学研究センター 環境適合素材プロセス研究分野 有山 達郎

Recently, a variety of environmental-related problems such as global warming have been exposed. From this background, our laboratory focused on the study of the new process to decrease CO2 emissions from the integrated steel works. In particular, the advanced mathematical model of blast furnace is being studied to optimize the in-furnace phenomena in blast furnace. Moreover, the utilization of wastes from the steel works has been pursued for the global environment and coexistence with regional society.The followings are current topics; 1. Development of the advanced mathematical model of blast furnace to
realize the low reducing agent operation 2. Intensification of new material utilization such as biomass and improvement of reduction rate with high reactive burden 3. Novel sequestration process of carbon dioxide from steel works 4. Utilization of slag and recycling of wastes in the integrated steel works

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 サステナブル理工学研究センター 高度資源利用プロセス研究分野 葛西 栄輝

Base materials industry are now facing several difficult issues, i.e.,demand to reduce CO2 emissions, and degrading properties and price rising of the mineral and fuel resources. The laboratory of Process Engineering for Advanced Resources Utilization is carrying out the studies to create new process principles for base metal productions which can efficiently utilize lower grade mineral and fuel resources including recycle materials, biomass energies. Various unique conditions are tried to apply such as high temperature and pressure and process combinations.In addition, the laboratory is performing the researches aiming at increase in the process efficiency and decrease in the environmental load of the processes for waste treatments and material recycling, waste heat recoveries and emediation of water and sediment. Further, innovative material processing technologies are also studied, such as new metal surface treatment and porous metal production processes.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 サステナブル理工学研究センター 金属資源循環システム研究分野 中村 崇

Most natural mineral resources are imported in Japan. Not only commodity metals like Iron and copper but minor rare metals are very important in Japan to keep providing high technological electronics applicants like PC and cellular phones. So, to overcome uncertainness of supply of minerals and metals, Japanese government has taken a following strategy have taken as follow:(1) Exploration and exploitation of metal resources (2) Further promotion of recycling of metals(3) Development of substitutes for minor rare metals(4) Stockpile of minor rare metals for emergencyRecycling part is mainly subject with waste treatments in our laboratory to establish the circulatory materials society.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 先端計測開発センター 軟X線顕微計測研究分野 柳原 美廣

We have recently developed a soft X-ray microscope based on a multilayer-coated objective mirror and a laser-produced plasma light source. The spatial resolution of the microscope was estimated to be 140 nm with a 10 ns exposure time and 250 × 250 μm2 field of view. The resolution is higher than that of visible microscopes with the same size of field of view, and the exposure time is short enough to observe fine structures in-vivo. Observation of the cerebral cortex of a mouse is demonstrated, and then the basic technology developed for the soft X-ray microscope is presented.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 先端計測開発センター 電子回折・分光計測研究分野 寺内 正己

Accurate nanometer scale characterization methods of crystal structures and charge distributions by convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED) and electronic structures and dielectric properties by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and soft-X-ray emission spectroscopy (SXES) have been developing for evaluating new functional materials.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 先端計測開発センター 電子線干渉計測研究分野 進藤 大輔

This paper shows representative studies that have been conducted by professor Shindo's group in the past decade. This research group has dedicated to the analyses of electromagnetic field and crystallographic microstructure in advanced materials based on electron holography, Lorentz microscopy, and other original techniques using microprobes. We herein briefly report on the magnetic domain observations of manganite and electrical steel. With respect to the electric field analyses, we mention about the studies of conductive adhesive, toner particles, and organic photoconductors.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 先端計測開発センター走査プローブ計測技術研究分野 米田 忠弘


東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 高分子ハイブリッドナノ材料研究分野 宮下 徳治

We have developed so-called polymer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films (polymer nanosheets) based on acrylamide polymers and their copolymers. Polymer nanosheets also serve as good templates to construct three-dimensional hybrid nanoassemblies. We can design nanoassembled devices with well-defined layer structures: photoelectric conversion systems, optical logic gates, plasmon-based photonic devices. Hybrid nanoparticles, which have the polymers as a shell also form nanosheets. Other types of hybrid assemblies consisting of germanium- or silicon-based polymer have been also investigated. These approaches will open up new exciting opportunities for flexible optoelectronic nanodevice applications.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 有機ハイブリッドナノ結晶材料研究分野 及川 英俊

Organic nanocrystal (NC), which is commonly fabricated by the reprecipitation method, is an intermediate state between a single molecule and the corresponding bulk crystals, and would exhibit the size-dependence of linear optical properties. Polydiacetylene (PDA) is one of the most candidate organic materials for nonlinear optics. Hybridization of PDA NC with noble metals on a nanometer scale, i.e., a core-shell type hybridized NC, would open a novel scientific paradigm in optoelectronics and photonics. In addition, ordered array structure composed of polymer microsphere and spherically encapsulated PDA NC on a patterned substrate will be also introduced toward device applications.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター ハイブリッド炭素材料研究分野 京谷 隆

The template carbonization method consists of the carbonization of an organic compound in nanospace of a template inorganic substance and the liberation of the resulting carbon from the template. So far various types of unique carbon materials have been synthesized using the template carbonization method. For example, the template technique allows us to prepare one- and three-dimensional carbons such as carbon nano-test-tubes and zeolite templated carbons. The present paper introduces the details of such one- and three-dimensional approaches, and demonstrates how effectively the carbon nanostructure can be controlled by the template carbonization technique and how versatile this technique is for the production and the applications of novel nanocarbon materials.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所  高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター ハイブリッド材料創製分野 芥川 智行

Artificial molecular rotator has attracted much attention with respect to the development of functional molecular materials.
Random motion of molecular rotators-the two-fold flip-flop motion of a rotator unit, for example-causes a rotation of the local structure. Such molecular motion is controllable using an external electric field, which can be utilized as polarization units in ferroelectrics. Novel ferroelectrics based on supramolecular rotator - stator structure in cation - anion salt will open up new horizons in research, because a chemically designable dipole unit enables control of the nature of the ferroelectric transition temperature. m-Fluoroanilinium forms a hydrogen-bonding assembly with dibenzo[18]crown-6, which was introduced as the counter cation of [Ni(dmit)2]- anions (dmit2- = 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolate). The supramolecular rotator of m-fluoroanilinium exhibited dipole rotation by the application of an electric field, and the crystal exhibited a ferroelectric - paraelectric transition at 348 K.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 光機能材料化学研究分野 中川 勝

Representative studies that the Nakagawa group of IMRAM in Tohoku University has been devoted to since the start of the research group in 2008 are described in this report. The research group has dedicated to pursue scientific principles for molecular control of interface function occurring at polymer/metal and polymer/inorganic material interfaces and to put them into practice in nanoimprint lithography promising as a next generation nanofabrication tool. We herein report on advanced
antisticking, sticking, and resist materials for thermal nanoimprint lithography and ultraviolet (UV) nanoimprint lithography.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 光機能材料化学分野 杉原 興浩

Polymer-based optical waveguide plays an important role for next generation fiber-to-the-home, home network, and board-level optical interconnection. Recent progress of various functional photonics polymers and their application to waveguide devices is reported.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 高分子・ハイブリッド材料研究センター 自己組織化高分子材料研究分野 下村 政嗣

The research group aims at creating novel functional materials having hierarchically organized structure ranging from nanometer to millimeter scale by using molecular self-assembly and self-organization based on the spatiotemporal non-equilibrium dynamics. Nano- and micro-patterns can be fabricated by using the spatiotemporal phenomena emerging in the evaporation process of polymer solutions. The patterned polymer films and polymer nano-particles are widely applied as novel functional materials in the fields of photonics, electronics, and biomedical engineering. We are now focusing to prepare novel tissue culture devices and biomimetic materials based on "Honeycomb-patterned polymer films", and novel polymer nano-particles having hierarchical inner nano-structures especially from block copolymers.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 窒化物ナノ・エレクトロニクス材料研究センター 超臨界流体・反応研究分野 横山 千昭

In our laboratory, the reaction process using supercritical fluids or ionic liquids is developed. It introduces measurement of thermophysical properties required for GaN crystal growth using supercritical ammonia, novel acidic ionic liquids, and supported ionic liquids catalyst.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 窒化物ナノ・エレクトロニクス材料研究センター 活性反応場・合成研究分野 山根 久典

The recent research activities of Yamane group were overviewed. Seeded single crystal growth of GaN and fabrication of porous SiC were performed by using Na vapor. Powder and porous bulk of SiC and some silicides were prepared with a Na melt. Si crystals were dissolved and recrystallized in Na melt. Na-Si binary diagram was proposed. New compounds, Ba3Si4C2, Na8B74.5Si17.5 and multinary oxides were prepared and their crystal structures were analyzed. Thermoelecctric properties of the silicides and luminescence of the oxides were characterized.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 窒化物ナノ・エレクトロニクス材料研究センター 量子構造形成/基盤作製研究分野 秩父 重英

Research objectives of the laboratory are to design and fabricate quantum nanostructures for new functional optical devices workable in ultraviolet, visible, and optical communication wavelengths using environment-friendly wide bandgap semiconductors, namely (Al,In,Ga)N and (Mg,Zn)O systems. We are growing structures by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, molecular-beam epitaxy, and unique helicon-wave-excited-plasma sputtering epitaxy methods. Recombination dynamics of excited particles in nanostructures are studied by time-resolved spectroscopy using a femtosecond laser. Local carrier dynamics are studied by a spatio-time-resolved cathodoluminescence system.

東北大学多元物質科学研究所 窒化物ナノ・エレクトロニクス材料研究センター 表界面反応制御・基盤作製研究分野 福山 博之

Fukuyama laboratory studies novel material processing based on chemical thermodynamics with high-temperature thermophysical property measurements. As examples, we are developing new crystal growth processes for nitride-semiconductor devices, which are next-generation optical devices applied in environmental, medical, bio and information technologies fields. Thermophysical properties of materials are needed for modeling heat and mass transports in materials processes. A new thermophysical property measurement system is currently under development, which enables accurate measurements of heat capacity, thermal conductivity, emissivity, density and surface tension of high-temperature melts, utilizing electromagnetic levitation in a dc magnetic field. In addition, we are also fabricating ferromagnetic shape memory alloy and developing microactuators.

